General Information, Niagara Falls Championship Cup (Niagara Sports Tournaments)

PrintGeneral Information
Niagara Sport Tournaments provides consistent, competitive hockey tournaments. We are travel hockey parents ourselves, and use that knowledge to provide a great experience for ALL family members. To provide the most balanced divisions we use myhockeyranking as a starting point and then communicate with each coach/manager to get more information about the team. HOTELS ARE 10-15 MINUTES AWAY FROM THE RINKS!! We can not stand having to drive 45 minutes from your hotel to get to each rink. Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and Detroit all have this problem. Most of our hotels are in Downtown Niagara Falls, which is 5-10 minutes away from Hyde Park. At Niagara Sport Tournaments we operate the Hyde Park Ice Pavilion where 85% of all game are played! This gives us great flexibility and allow us to provide a great tournament.

4 Game Guarantee for all NST Tournaments
Pizza Party for team after one game
Full Sports Bar connected to the Hyde Park Ice Pavilion
Lots of Entertainment for ALL family members
Banner for winning teams to bring home and hang in their home rink
Metal for all players playing in the finals. 

1/2 Ice Mites: 2-24 minute periods
Squirts 11-11-11
Peewees 12-12-12
Bantams 13-13-13
Midgets 14-14-14

SAVE $$$
25% discount to Canadian teams
Early Bird Discount – save 10 % by July 1st
BOGO – Buy 1 tournament get one Free for Hotel staying teams.
Local Teams: Buy one tournament get the other 1/2 off!

Mites $700
Squirts $1400
Peewee $1500
Bantams $1700
Midgets $1900